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End of Yr 12...what? already? 10days untill first exam

hmm today was the last day being a year 12

well i have to say this year has been pretty awesome, i can say  that its probably one of the most memorable years of my life. (not that anyone cares)

Year 2010...2 more year until the world ends...jokes 2012 is rubbish

haha but firstly this year i have got know people i didnt really know before (alot of them and you know who you are)

yea and found a job which is pretty sweet!

haha and just life in general is great, thank you God!

but yeah prob write a full review when my exam results are out. not that anyone would be bothered to read it xD

hahaha got to go study more.... : (



Exam count down... 14days

its 2215 2nd November 2010...and I am kinda stressed out because I'm not stressed out about exams...THAT made alot sense...SO i decided to blog

soo today was pretty alright ish...

had maths and english in the morning...maths was as usual just chilling...and in english read an pretty intense article of feminist view of the 1970s and 80s  horror films..pretty impressice...its about how the film are intended to oppose the feminist thing going on where like the women in the movies are the main cause of the insanity of the killers..eg Psycho ...the mother....and Halloween ....the sister
yeah something like that....english is pretty much like dark magic in Hogwarts wait actually they dont have the subject as in dark magic but yea...

soo it ws interval...nothin much happend then

then it was pe

we( Chi, Gur, Ani, Bha and Vish) played ARSE on the tennis court ...it was alright but they picked on me because i was minority in the group...i ws the only one who got hit...

and then graphics...hmm kinda chilld there as well

in lunch time while i was walkin around i happened to encounter some incident where i didnt know what to do...

well it seemed like 3 guys were pickin on a disabled kid...but they seemed like friends playin around...so i stood there and watched for a while...but the three dude saw me watchin and i guess didnt continue wht they were doin and i happend to know one of the three dudes so i ask him why he is bein sad to the kid...nd he ws like "oh we are tryin to scab food off him"...i ws like..so it wsnt somethin too serious...so i left but the more i think of it now....i feel really bad

and yea then it ws prefect assembly ..ws kinda dry

then i had physics...lighten me up a bit since its my all time beloved subject......................................................NOT!

xD that's for today loh

God Bless